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FIR Therapy

What is FIR therapy?

The visible range of the sun’s light includes the our familiar rainbow of colors. But only 44% of the full spectrum of sunlight is in the visible range. High –frequency ultraviolet rays make up 4% and can age skin prematurely or cause cancerous changes. Low-frequency infrared rays make up 52%. They are not harmful and do not damage the skin. Infrared light transmits more heat than ordinary light. FIR therapy uses far infrared light rays to provide some of the benefits of sunshine without direct exposure to the sun.

How does FIR therapy work?

Absorption of the sun’s rays helps stimulate the body’s metabolism. We need light in order to properly absorb certain nutrients and minerals. A lack of sunlight can lead to lower immune function, tension, fatigue, depression, and insomnia. FIR light raises the body’s temperature. This increases circulation via the dilation of blood vessels, which does not increase blood pressure.

FIR heat penetrates past the skin and our insulating fatty layer, 4-6 inches into the body. The heat resonates with the cells and invigorates them. The body responds to FIR therapy mats faster than to traditional heating pads, and the effects continue even after use is ended. The benefits of FIR therapy may be enhanced by natural jade or tourmaline. The infrared rays emitted by our pads vary from 4μm -14μm.

What are the benefits the FIR therapy?

Researchers have found that FIR rays can improve blood circulation, reduce symptoms of

chronic diseases, alleviate pain, revitalize skin cells, strengthen the brain, cardiovascular

system, and nervous system, and help restore muscle and joint elasticity. Studies have shown

that FIR therapy enhances blood circulation, reduces ischemia, exerts an anti-inflammatory

effects, reduces pain, and promotes better sleep. FIR waves may also destroy cancer or viral cells. Unlike over-the-counter pain remedies, FIR therapy does not have gastrointestinal side effects.

How does a jade pad work?

Jade and other elements (such as tourmaline, germanium, or ceramics) are heated to emit FIR (far infrared) rays that penetrate the body at a depth of 5.5-6 inches. This produces benefits from the skin to the deeper areas if the body. Jade is an efficient absorber of natural infrared heat and passes it along to the body gently and smoothly.

Heated jade also emits negative ions, which help to counteract electromagnetic radiation put out by electronic devices such as computers, cell phones, and microwaves. Since negative ionization happens quickly with jade pads, twenty to thirty minutes may be enough to produce results.

Jade is a natural stone. It is made of rich trace elements.

Did you wonder why Jade is used as one of the components on an infrared heat biomat?

Jade can also produce negative ions. So, it can encourage the cell’s metabolism.

There are a lot of benefits from using Jade stone.

Most of the people use many kinds of things made of Jade Stone.

Here are the benefits when using an infrared heat mattress.

Jade Stone Mat

There are many medical findings using the Jade stone infrared biomat.

There are many scientific results found in the last few years that, confirm Jade stone mats are the most effective healing mats.

Jade is effective when it comes to treating many different medical conditions.

Jade Stone mats contain disks of natural Jade gemstones.

After the Jade stone is heated, it emits infrared heat that penetrates the body.

The infrared heat goes deep into the soft tissues where the healing takes place.

The heat increases the blood circulation which will get the body into a healing mode.

The infrared heat vitalizes the biological function of our cells and helps them to increase circulation, relieve neuralgia, backache, arthritis pain, eliminate toxins from our blood. It also helps to improve microcirculation and metabolism.

Health Benefits On the Usage Of Jade Stone Infrared Mat

Jade Stone promotes metabolism and blood circulation. Boost your immune system through mild heating and you’ll get benefits from it. Increases the number of white blood cells and killer t-cells in your blood. Reduce muscle soreness, muscle spasms, and relief for rheumatoid arthritis. Regulates vegetative nerve and endocrine function. Jade Stone mat works to regulate vegetative nerve and endocrine function. Jade is also well known for improves Quality of Life and Overall Well-Being. How to use Jade Stone Mattress The infrared jade stone mattress is portable and it is very easy to carry.

It is very easy to use the infrared heat mattress.

It is simple and it is a matter of plugging the electric switch into an electric socket. Then it’ll start to heat.

After it’ll heat, you can use it. Lie down on your mat. You can press the power button and adjust the temperature knob to set the temperature from low to high.

You can set your own choice.

Do not use too much temperature. If the temperature goes too high then lower the temperature.

Too much temperature could be harmful.

Why Jade Stone Mattress is better

Jade warming cushions are more spotlight on FIR benefits, Jade is warmed to discharge FIR beams that adhere to the body at a profundity of 5.5 to 6 inches.

These advantages are created from the skin to the more profound zones of our body.

Jade is an effective safeguard of characteristic infrared that warmth and passes it along to our body delicately and easily.

As I have mentioned before Jade Stone mat can improve the blood circulation, reduce symptoms of chronic diseases, alleviate pain, revitalize skin cells, and strengthen the brain.

However, if you compare Jade Stone Mat with any other heating pad.

Negative ions increase collagen production, make cell membranes more permeable, and help strengthen the immune and autonomic nervous system. As it is not like the Jade Stone. you may have some skin issues.

If you use the Infrared Jade Stone Mattress on a continual basis then you will slowly see the increase and much-needed blood circulation.

It will help with the healing of the liver, skin, and autonomic sensory system.

It can enhance the endocrine, and lymphatic frameworks and aids in the sleep deprivation problem and of course it will work in synergy leading to the recovery all throughout the body.

What Is Amethyst Gemstone?

Amethyst is a popular and relatively rare form of quartz. It’s a fairly hard gem and can be found within geodes all across the globe. Amethyst is usually available in crystal form or as a mass. Its lovely purple color may come from trace amounts of iron or manganese in its crystal lattice. Many stones on the market are not naturally colored; they are often heat treated to produce a darker shade of purple.

Throughout history, the purple, lilac, and lavender amethyst crystal have been associated with royalty. The crystals have also been used for a variety of health conditions throughout the ages, ranging from alcohol addiction and sleep disorders to pain and mental dysfunction. While research has yet to conclude that amethyst actually helps decrease symptoms associated with these health issues, emerging data displays amethyst as a powerful compound possibly helpful for detoxification.

1. Cell Regeneration

Far-infrared radiation is known to support healthy cell growth and regeneration. Scientific studies have shown that increasing infrared radiation may correspondingly increase energy levels in the body. This increase in energy is designed to promote the growth of healthy cells, possibly aiding in whole body growth.Currently, the majority of experiments that verify these findings have been conducted with animals; however, results indicate that similar activity may occur in humans.

2. Sleep Support

We also know from experiments with animals and humans that far-infrared regulation may modulate sleep patterns. The low level of heat emitted by amethyst crystals may help provide a sense of calm for the body, possibly providing favorable effects for supporting a healthy sleep cycle.

3. Blood Circulation

Far-infrared radiation has been shown to aid blood circulation, particularly micro circulation among the capillaries in the skin. For a time, scientists believed that the circulation benefit from far-infrared radiation was related to infrared heat. A recent study, however, showed that it actually wasn’t heat but the radiation itself that contributed to improved circulation.

4. Fluid Motility

Blood is not the only bodily fluid that improves in circulation ability in response to far-infrared radiation. The radiation increases the motility of lymph fluid and may support normal fluid balance in tissues.

5. Mood Support

In one recent study, far infrared radiation-emitting discs were placed under the pillows of subjects during sleep. Subjects with the radiation-emitting discs hidden underneath their pillows reported a statistically significant increase in overall life satisfaction. This was in direct comparison with those who had a placebo disc.

6. Antioxidant Activity

Almost everyone has heard the buzz about antioxidants, and most of the population is aware of the general health benefits associated with these natural compounds. Research indicates that exposure to far-infrared radiation may increase antioxidant activity within certain foods.

7. Wound Support

Far-infrared radiation may also promote repair mechanisms in skin tissue, especially for patients with diabetes-induced skin damage. Skin damage related to chronic and acute conditions and reconstructive surgeries may also benefit.

8. Bacteria Fighter

Last but not least, science shows that far-infrared radiation may aid in inhibiting bacterial growth by hindering the actions of certain growth-promoting enzymes.Scientists have found that it is far-infrared radiation specifically, and not merely the heat, which inhibits the growth of some bacteria in the body. Regular heat therapy doesn’t seem to offer the same effect.

These are only a few of the many possible benefits of far-infrared radiation via amethyst gemstone. Now, let’s turn our attention to the negative ions found in amethyst. While the term “negative” might indicate harm, these ions are actually essential for promoting our health.

3 Benefits of Amethyst-Generated Negative Ion Emission

Ions are atoms or molecules with an unequal number of protons and electrons. As electrons have a negative charge, an ion with more electrons than protons is called a negative ion. Because of this imbalance, they naturally seek out other molecules and compounds with which they can combine. According to some theories, negative ion emission could draw certain free radicals out of the body. Many people believe that amethyst crystals emit negative ions and can bring about the benefits of negative ion emission. Here are three benefits of negative ions:

Removing Toxic Particles from the Body

Negative ions appear to attract toxic particles. Studies have indicated that the size of the particles doesn’t matter.[11]

Respiratory Support

If negative ions have the power to draw out toxic particles from the body, it may aid in respiration by removing these particles from the lungs.This could aid those with occasional congestion or other respiratory concerns. More research is needed, especially on humans, to find conclusive evidence for this benefit.

Removing Aerosol

Negative ion emission can remove dangerous chemicals like aerosol from the air and your body.[12] Protecting your body from the potentially hazardous compounds is crucial for supporting health.

What is tourmaline?

The name “tourmaline” is used for several different but related minerals that come in rich and varied colors. Tourmaline are piezoelectric-when they are heated, they produce an electrical potential (different electrical charges at opposite ends). They also emit FIR (far infrared) radiation and negative ions, effects that increase when heat is applied.

What are the effects of tourmaline?

As a healing stone, tourmaline is said to reduce intestinal and skin problems, support the exchange or oxygen in the blood, improve circulation, and help with disease of the liver, skin, and autonomic nervous system. It is thought to improve the immune, endocrine, and lymphatic systems, heal insomnia, and stimulate regeneration throughout the body. Brown tourmaline is reputed to be an excellent grounding stone, aligning and protecting the etheric body. It is said to encourage community spirt and social commitment, heal dysfunctional relationships, and increase empathy and creativity.

How is tourmaline used in the pads?

Our tourmaline is a ceramic tourmaline, a special mixture of tourmaline powder, ceramic, and earth elements rich in negative ions. The ions in our tourmaline have been measured at a healthy over 2000 negative per square centimeter.

Benefits of Natural Jade & Tourmaline

Hot stones release heat slowly and steadily, gradually softening sore muscles. Hot stones release stress and eliminate tension, help you deeply relax. Hot stones can put you into a meditative and healing state. FIR heat penetrates deep into your body bones, joints, and tissues. FIR waves may destroy cancer or viral cells and reduce swelling. FIR therapy helps relieve pain and fight infection and disease. Negative ions can alleviate depression. Negative ions can boost cells’ ability to use nutrients and remove waste. Negative ions can boost blood flow to the brain and balance the body’s pH by reducing acidity. Negative ions help counteract EMF radiation from computers and cellphones. Tourmaline improves circulation and supports the exchange or oxygen in the blood. Tourmaline is said to improve the immune, endocrine, and lymphatic systems, heal insomnia, and stimulate regeneration throughout the body. Jade pads may be used without electricity to produce a relaxing coolness. Jade contains many micro elements and can help relieve magnesium deficiency.


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